DyNeMo: Minimal Code#

This tutorial covers example use of DyNeMo (Dynamic Network Modes) with the minimum amount of code possible.

Importing Packages#

We start by importing the necessary packages:

from osl_dynamics.data import Data
from osl_dynamics.models import load
from osl_dynamics.models.dynemo import Config, Model

Loading Data#

Data can be loaded from a file in osl-dynamics with the Data class. See the Loading Data tutorial for further details. The Data class can accept:

  • A string containing the path to a .npy, .mat or .fif file.

  • A list of strings containing paths to .npy, .mat or .fif files.

  • A path to a directory containing .npy files.

  • A numpy array can also be passed directly to Data.


  • If a .mat file is passed, it must have a field called “X” that contains the data or you need to pass the data_field argument to the Data class.

  • The data must be in the format (n_samples, n_channels), if you have the data in (n_channels, n_samples) format you can pass time_axis_first=False.

training_data = Data([f"subject{i}.npy" for i in range(10)])

You can pass your own data to the Data object, any numpy file containing a 2D array should be fine.

Preparing the Data#

The Data class can be used to apply standard transformations to the data to prepare it for training. The prepare method can be used for this. See the Preparing Data tutorial for further details. Time-delay embedded/PCA data can be prepared with:

methods = {
    "tde_pca": {"n_embeddings": 15, "n_pca_components": 80},
    "standardize": {},

Calling training_data.time_series() will now return the prepared data. The original data is still accessible with training_Data.time_series(prepared=False).

Saving and Loading Prepared Data#

It is sometimes useful to save prepared data. This can be done with


This will create a directory called prepared_data with .npy files containing the prepared data and a pickle file with preparation settings. The prepared data can be loaded in another script with:

training_data = Data("prepared_data")

The Config Object#

Next, we want to train a model on this data. We first need to specify hyperparameters for the model. These are contained in the Config object. The API reference for each model lists the attributes for each model’s Config object.

An example Config object for DyNeMo is:

config = Config(

Important decisions to be made are:

  • The number of modes, n_modes. For this you should make sure your results are not critically depends on the choice for this.

  • sequence_length and batch_size. If you find you run out of memory, you can reduce these. Otherwise, increasing the batch size will lead to faster training. We have found a sequence length of 100-400, generally works well.

  • learn_means and learn_covariances. Typically, we only learn the mean if we’re training on amplitude envelope data. If we are training on time-delay embedded/PCA data, we just learn the covariances.

  • n_kl_annealing_epochs and n_epochs. We found using n_kl_annealing_epochs = n_epochs // 2 works well. You want to choice n_epochs to be enough for the loss to converge during training.

Building a Model#

We build a model using the Model class and Config object:

model = Model(config)

We can treat the model object as a normal TensorFlow Keras Model object, e.g. to view a summary, we can use


Training a Model#

To train the model we use the fit() method:

history = model.fit(training_data)

Saving and Loading Trained Models#

To save a trained model we can use:


To load a model we can use:

model = load("trained_model")

Evaluating a Model#

To evaluate a model we can use the loss (variational free energy). DyNeMo has a method to evaluate the variational free energy:

free_energy = model.free_energy(training_data)
print("Free energy:", free_energy)

Getting Inferred Parameters#

We are often interested in interpreting latent variables. In DyNeMo, these are the mode mixing coefficients, alpha, and mode means and covariances. The DyNeMo model has methods to get the inferred parameters:

alpha = model.get_alpha(training_data)
means, covs = model.get_means_covariances()

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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